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Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to prevent your computer from being Hacked,, Easy four Seps

Hacking is the Work of the Hackers. They do different techniques or follows different ways to Hack several devices. As we have already learned how to hack different things but today we  are here to say you how to prevent your computer from being Hacked. Just follow these simple steps and star and remain safe from being Hacked. So lets learn how can we:-

1) Install a good Anti-Virus software in your computer. Norton, McAFee and Kaspersky are some of them. They may save your computer for less than $50 in a year. Just go on Upgrading you anti-virus Software and Remain Safe.

2)Startup your Firewall. Firewalls keep people from sending spyware into your computer and downloading harmful cookies, which may include viruses, or other malwares without permissions.You can easily turn it on in your computer's security preferences. Macintosh users may turn on their firewall by going to Preferences and clicking on Sharing.Windows users may do it through the Control Panel.

3) Upgrade your passwords. Cracking passcodes is the easiest way for hackers to get into your personal accounts, so you should try to prevent it.. Have at least four to five different passwords for your various accounts, and include difficult number and symbols for them that you cant forget.  The more diversity in your passwords, the safer yourcomputer, account, data,transactions and information will be.

4) Clear your cookies and cache reguralry.For the most part, cookies and cache are just harmless memory eaters, but some hackers design them to attack computers. Like spyware, cookies can give hackers access to everything on your computer so delete them regularly to avoid giving them the advantage.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to hack a Folder Locker....Lets Learn Hacking

Hey Friends we all know about " FOLDER LOCKER' and sometimes it might be that you have just forgetten your password or creeped into someone's computer and the folder is locked and you want to open it . If you dont know about it Lets Learn how to .
You just need to edit some strings in the registry, Well this is nothing complicated. Just keep on following the steps and you'll not know when you have the password in your hand !


  • Go to start
  • Go to run
  • Type"Regedit"  and Press enter.
  • Now go to the Following String 
  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Quality Control]
  • now in the right pane you'll see "_pack".
  • In the pack String you'll see something like "something~~~~~~"
  • Now this is the password. But this is Encrypted.

How to De-Crypt the Password:
  • First of all Ignore the ~~~~~~ sign.
  • Now you'll only have "Something" left.
  • Now the most Important Step:
  • You need to move each character one step backward . 
  • example: In something:
  • s=r
  • o=n
  • m=l
  • e=d
  • t=s
  • h=g
  • i=h
  • n=m
  • g=f
  • Wow Done ! Now You've the password. It'll be "rnldsghmf"

Happy hacking. Please Leave Feedback Gyes.

How to Hack someones Computer...Lets Learn

We all are familar about the computer and its administrator password In the real world it’s a lot easier than that. And no, this isn’t actually a tutorial about how to break into someone’s computer or smart phone or tablet. Just an observation of sorts. A caution to our loyal readers, if you like.

A recent study found that the most common password used by the average business is – wait for it – “Password1.” It’s easy because it meets the three recommendations that appear in most electronic device security applications: a word that has capital and lower case letters and a numeric. It’s also wildly creative, as the many thousands of people who share it could tell you.
The Brand Keys 2012 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index reveals that consumers choose laptop computers on the basis of anything but security. Instead, consumers tend to select on the basis of factors like innovative design and brand reputation. This doesn’t mean that security isn’t important, but that it does mean that it’s an afterthought. Which becomes obvious when you consider how people select their security passwords.

Below is a list of the 10 most-favored passwords. If yours is there you A) ought to think about changing it, or B) post your Social Security, credit card, and bank account numbers, and any other private information you think might be useful on your Facebook page.

    (your first name)

Oh, and though it’s from an older, non-digital source, it would be well to remember the words of Confucius when setting your passwords: “When in a state of security, do not forget the possibility of ruin.”
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